All pieces are obtained when activating the Armor Stone, emblazoned with the Nightingales symbol, inside the Nightingale Hall.

Only pieces from the set are required to be +6 or higher. Vigil Enforcer Armor Set is a Creation that adds four sets of armor used by the Vigil of Stendarr. These are: Black Leather Set, Black Witch Set, Brigand Set, Desert Sorceress Set, Fume Sorcerer Set, Leather Set, Lion Mage Set, Lion Warrior Set, Pate's Set, Tattered Cloth Set and the Wanderer Set. These are: Bandit Set, Black Sorcerer Set, Chain Set, Cleric Set, Holy Set, Hunter Set, Pyromancer Set, Shadow Set, Sorcerer Set, Thief Set, Wanderer Set and the Warrior Set. Armor sets consist of three major parts, chest, waist, and wrist armor.

Armor can be enhanced at one of four locations in Hyrule where you can find a mysterious fountain.