That’s super cool, and I can mix-and-match. "It’s like oh, shit, I can play now Far Cry in a city, or within a pirate environment, or even the primitive stuff from Far Cry Primal. "The more we progress, the more we try to streamline our engines, our data, to try and exchange some animations, some characters, some places, some models, we stumbled on the opportunity to actually take some of the assets of the Assassin’s Creed franchise and Watch Dogs and bring in the Arcade, and that was just super cool," Jean-Sebastien Decant, Far Cry 5 narrative director, told VG247 at a recent preview event. This expansion on the map editor in previous Far Cry games takes advantage of Ubisoft’s shared tech to open up new possibilities. Is there anything similar for this game? I only want to run this at a steady 30-40 FPS with a resolution that fills my screen, without using ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Motion Blur to even it out.Far Cry 5 Arcade lets you use assets from other Ubisoft games like Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, Watch Dogs 2 and Far Cry: Primal to make your own challenges, missions and races. I am aware there's a mod for Skyrim called the Low Low Graphics mod for lower end PCs, and a Low Low Graphics mod for Fallout 4 as well. The only other game I have that used to be demanding for me is Skyrim, but ever since I got an additional 4GB of RAM, Skyrim runs smoother than butter. I have the lowest settings possible and the lowest resolution that I'm willing to run, and I even put on Motion Blur to make the game look acceptable even when in the teens of FPS, and I still run this game at an average of I'd say 25-30 FPS, 15-20 when raining or storming. I am aware that this is because, the opposite of the previous games, this game was ported from console to computer versions rather than computer to console versions, so obviously consoles can run it at highest graphics well but average gaming PCs like mine struggle to run it at lowest graphics, and budget PCs can't run it at all. Coming back after playing through AC1, AC2, AC: Brotherhood, & AC: Revelations, this game really jumps the gun when it comes to graphics. I just finished playing this game's main story for a second time through, since I revisited it after completing it the first time last year.